Tuesday, 28 June 2011
Non-stop present buying.
I love this photo - my dad and Flora on Father's Day... just after ordering the next history book on his list from Amazon - as his FD's pressie!
Saturday, 18 June 2011
Saturday Me Time
On Saturdays I take my daughter for her golf lesson. I sit in the bar and have a latte, (so yummy), read my Kindle and write notes in a pocket moleskine with the glorious Mont Blanc pen my parents gave me when I graduated. I have glasses for reading, and sunglasses for sitting on the terrace, looking out over the golf course and soaking up the sun. Saturday lunchtimes are 'my' times!
Sunday, 12 June 2011
By the way, I have started a blog for my professional work. You can find that here.....
Wednesday, 1 June 2011
Saturday, 21 May 2011
Creating A Story
Thursday, 19 May 2011
Keeping Busy
I have been keeping myself very busy over the last few days. I've added to my Etsy store, continued researching the possibilities of setting up as a photographer and tried to keep sane despite the fact that only a couple of weeks remain until redundancy looms. Reworking old photos to make them suitable for selling, is providing an element of respite from all the confusion around me and for a time, stops all the questions and fears from racing through my brain.
I did go to the optician yesterday, and have some new glasses on order! I have noticed over the past 6 months or so, a rapid deterioration in my reading ability - and so it will be some relief when I pick the new glasses up late next week to be able to see cooking instructions clearly again! The children have been getting a lot of strangely cooked food - usually due to me misreading temperatures or timings!
Sunday, 15 May 2011
race for life - Norfolk Showground, Norwich, 15th May 2011
But the race was not a morbid affair: women from all over Norfolk dressed up in their pink finery. There was dancing and music and thousands of supportive well wishers. And this team of three far exceeded their target.
If anyone would like to donate to this worthwhile cause which has affected someone connected to all of us, the website is here.
Well done!
Saturday, 14 May 2011
My New Etsy Shop!
Wednesday, 11 May 2011
he followed the sun & she followed the stars & in dreams they listenedclosely for the beginning of all things, for that was where they knewthey'd find each other
Friday, 6 May 2011
The Happy Royal Wedding Campers
Despite the shock -and I felt, and still feel it deeply, we, (twenty five of us) embarked on our long awaited 'Royal Wedding Camp'.
Monday, 25 April 2011
My Girls and Me
Via Flickr:
It's very rare to have a photo taken of myself with my daughters - they have grown up to be beautiful young women - in every sense of the word. I am so proud of them!
Saturday, 23 April 2011
Getting Ready for Glamping!
Wednesday, 20 April 2011
Quiet Times
Both pictures above have been processed using Pixel Lounge's fab overlays, which I am enjoying so much at the moment. Below, is one of them with a different colour - I wasn't able to choose which one I preferred!!
Sunday, 17 April 2011
A walk to blow away the winter cobwebs
West Runton looking towards Cromer.
Reaching Cromer, a quintessential English seaside town, full of Victorian charm and the best freshly made donuts we have come across!!
Cromer Pier.
Back at West Runton, the view if we continued along the coast westwards...
Saturday, 16 April 2011
What makes me happy?
Friday, 15 April 2011
Finding my feet
But encouraged by the kindness of fellow Flickrites, I pursued my new found hobby. A golden handshake from qualifying as a teacher came through about this time - and with some trepidation I decided to abandon Nikon and move into the world of Canon - a 40D - at that time brand new. It felt fantastic and I began to fly. The past 18 months has seen a real interruption to my photographic past time - and it has only been in the last few weeks that I have slowly been able to return. I cannot thank enough those who develop beautiful actions and textures which they give away freely. Lately I have been exploring those that come from the ever creative Pixel Lounge as used in today's photo. Thank you.
Thursday, 14 April 2011
Summer Holiday Dreaming
The weather has turned cold again - so unfriendly!! And I am left looking back at last year's holiday snaps and dreaming of next August when once again we'll be glamping in Gower!
Wednesday, 13 April 2011
Taking Family Photos
And finally, not forgetting the Mother who gave me life, here's one of her and Flora. Ella is back next week and I will make it my challenge to get one of all of us together...
Tuesday, 12 April 2011
Gardens and Allotments
The pergola needs a new hammock! Each year I've bought a very cheap one - with the result that they collapse by the end of the Summer. This year I'm determined to buy a proper one!! The only problem is deciding on the colour from this selection....
My eldest daughter has been on the waiting list for an allotment for the last three years - and now that she's reached the top of that list, she's away at university during term times! Luckily, she was allowed to select an official co-worker - so the sunny days saw the first digging over of the allotment. I'm very impatient - we have carrots, peas, yellow courgettes and climbing beans waiting to be planted - I can't wait!!
Of course the dogs come to help too!!
Wednesday, 6 April 2011
Art is the only way...
My next delivery was the game Werewolves - bought specifically for the camping trip as it's an ideal game for more than 8 people - hopefully the camp site, the open air and the dark will lend it a huge degree of authenticity. The next arrival was Alison Jackson's latest offering, a totally irreverent but extremely funny look at that same wedding. And my final box?? Well, that contained Wonders of the Universe - a present for Flora who had produced a magnificent school report - A's for Maths and all three sciences... The box also contained the book by the lady who gave today's pic it's title. I can't wait to start reading it.
Sunday, 3 April 2011
Flora, Mother's Day
Thursday, 31 March 2011
Summer Comes!
So here is my shot for today - we started with rain and we're ending the day with blue skies and the promise of HEAT for the weekend!!
Wednesday, 16 March 2011
1000 Cranes
Next Wednesday I have my first (of many I hope!) Japanese house guest arriving. She'll be living as part of the family and is coming for 4 weeks. I'm really hoping she will enjoy staying here and feel the experience will be great. Today I found out a little about her - and thankfully the only thing she doesn't like to eat is "boiled giblets"! I can safely guarantee they won't be on offer!!!
Monday, 14 March 2011
Paper Cranes for Japan

Paper Cranes for Japan a photo by boo * on Flickr.
Well, my origami skills leave a lot to be desired - but my thoughts and prayers are very definitely with Japan. My Japanese friends have all ensured their family are safe, thankfully - but they are still trying to make contact with some friends. Meanwhile, my mum's cousin left Canada following his sister's funeral to visit Japan... we are still trying to make contact with him, his wife and son. It took mum a few days to locate her brother who was holidaying in New Zealand when the Christchurch earthquake struck - and now she's having to worry all over again for a cousin who she grew up with, days after the sudden death of his elder sister, whom mum was extremely close to. And yet, I think we have a valuable lesson to learn from the quiet dignity, even in extreme grief, that the Japanese are showing us all.
Thursday, 10 March 2011
What makes a good day?
hipstamatic iPhone |
I wondered today, what exactly makes a 'good' day? On Monday, the power at work was off and we were all sent home. The weather was glorious and I enjoyed an unexpected picnic and a walk. Today, I received two lovely compliments, had the booking for my summer holiday confirmed - in a place I wanted to go to, but didn't think we'd get due to numerous national awards - so today was a good day. So I wondered, does the unexpected make for a good day? However, when my son's bike was stolen - that was a 'bad' day - and that was unexpected. So perhaps, just simple things that make you smile - that's all you need to create a 'good' day.
I'm looking forward to Easter - time with the family, a short holiday in North Norfolk with friends, the promise of chocolate and most of all, the hope of Summer.
Wishing you had a good day too.
Wednesday, 9 March 2011
always looking up
hipstamatic iPhone |
And if it chose to lay itself down
My eldest son had his bike stolen last night. He's had a bad run - leaving school, not finding work, a course he planned to take at college being removed from the curriculum.. about to go to Australia, he was suddenly offered a job and decided to take it so he could show some work experience on his cv - and then go to Australia later. He got the bike as an 18th birthday present and every day he's enjoyed riding it. When he came out from work, the bike, securely locked - had gone. As one friend pointed out - don't bike thieves realise a lot of people cycle because they can't afford to drive? I feel so bad for him - he felt that getting the job might have been a turning of the corner away from a run of bad luck.
Tuesday, 8 March 2011
Little objects that give pleasure
hipstamatic iPhone glass ceramic butterfly |
I have an very large, old pine corner cupboard in my dining room, given to me by my mum when she 'downsized'. Everything stored on top is precious to me for the memories and the person who gave them to me. My mum also gave me the large milk churn - with a warning that it came with the cupboard and has to stay with it! One year for Mother's Day, she gave me the cream jug with the heart - to let me know that even though I'm her daughter, she thinks I'm a pretty ok mummy too! My girls bought me the butterfly, secretly, on a week's holiday in Lyon. The jelly moulds I've had for years - bought one sunny Sunday morning when I lived five minutes away from London's famous Columbia Road flower market. All the childrens' party jellies have been made in them. The just seen spotty glass bowl was a birthday gift from my cousin, the silvered glass tumbler, used for night lights, a gift from my brother - and the tall glass candlestick was brought back by my mum after visiting the yummy Baileys.
Nothing there is worth anything in monetary values - but it's all worth a lot to me for the beauty that simplicity and love bring into my home.
Happy Shrove Tuesday! xx
Monday, 7 March 2011
Welcome to my new blog!
iPhone, Hipstamatic app. Explored on Flickr! |
Inspired by my friend Natasha, I've finally started a new blog. The old one was tired and I didn't like it! The college I work at closed this morning following a prolonged power cut - and what a day to be sent home! The sun was shining and Spring felt like she was really trying hard to break through the long winter. Simon came to meet me at lunch time, we visited our new allotment and then walked on with the dogs to Mousehold Heath. We had a hastily thrown together picnic before walking home.
For the start of this new blog, I'm going to welcome you with these wonderful, 20 blessings.
May the best hour of the day be yours.
May luck go with you from hill to sea.
May you stand against the prevailing wind.
May no forest intimidate you.
May you look out from your own eyes.
May near and far attend you.
May you bathe your face in the sun’s rays.
May you have milk, cream, substance.
May your actions be effective.
May your thoughts be affective.
May you will both the wild and the mild.
May you sing the lark from the sky.
May you place yourself in circumstance.
May you be surrounded by goldfinches.
May you pause among alders.
May your desire be infinite.
May what you touch be touched.
May the company be less for your leaving.
May you walk alone beneath the stars.
May your embers still glow in the morning. by Thomas A Clark