Tuesday 28 June 2011

Non-stop present buying.

I often think that there is no chance of ever getting straight with my finances - and it basically stems from rather ridiculous family planning. Father's Day starts the round of present buying - June. Into July, there are 3 family birthdays. We have a respite in August - thankfully or there would be no money to spend on any holiday break. September, twins' birthday; October sees brother's birthday - although to be honest, I don't bother with him now - his wife is too disapproving of anything that comes from me! November brings in eldest daughter's birthday, partner's birthday and my mum's!! And then we're into December... In January I barely have pause to recover, because my twin nephews have their birthday in February.. March and April bring Easter and Mother's Day with them - before one more break, May!

I love this photo - my dad and Flora on Father's Day... just after ordering the next history book on his list from Amazon - as his FD's pressie!

Saturday 18 June 2011

Saturday Me Time

Saturday Me Time by boo *
Saturday Me Time, a photo by boo * on Flickr.

On Saturdays I take my daughter for her golf lesson. I sit in the bar and have a latte, (so yummy), read my Kindle and write notes in a pocket moleskine with the glorious Mont Blanc pen my parents gave me when I graduated. I have glasses for reading, and sunglasses for sitting on the terrace, looking out over the golf course and soaking up the sun. Saturday lunchtimes are 'my' times!

Sunday 12 June 2011


Reflect by boo *

The last few weeks I've been taking stock and looking back - trying to discover what I need to keep with me to take into the future - what skills, talents, characteristics and emotions will help me find a fulfilling and rewarding future? Although everything changes, all of the time - and life wouldn't be life without change, right now my life is changing at turbo speed. That I haven't put into motion those changes makes it very difficult to plan and to sift. So this is what I am doing now. Reflecting, so I can pro act and not re act.

By the way, I have started a blog for my professional work. You can find that here.....

Wednesday 1 June 2011


Improving by boo *
Improving, a photo by boo * on Flickr.
My holiday reading is tied in with a desire to improve my photography skills. I want to know HOW to achieve a certain look BEFORE it gets to Photoshop! And although I know what settings to put my camera on to get a particular style, I really want to improve on that. However, no work without play - and I do love to read an inspiring cook book - and this one fits the bill!