Tuesday 28 June 2011

Non-stop present buying.

I often think that there is no chance of ever getting straight with my finances - and it basically stems from rather ridiculous family planning. Father's Day starts the round of present buying - June. Into July, there are 3 family birthdays. We have a respite in August - thankfully or there would be no money to spend on any holiday break. September, twins' birthday; October sees brother's birthday - although to be honest, I don't bother with him now - his wife is too disapproving of anything that comes from me! November brings in eldest daughter's birthday, partner's birthday and my mum's!! And then we're into December... In January I barely have pause to recover, because my twin nephews have their birthday in February.. March and April bring Easter and Mother's Day with them - before one more break, May!

I love this photo - my dad and Flora on Father's Day... just after ordering the next history book on his list from Amazon - as his FD's pressie!

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