Thursday, 10 March 2011

What makes a good day?

hipstamatic iPhone

I wondered today, what exactly makes a 'good' day? On Monday, the power at work was off and we were all sent home. The weather was glorious and I enjoyed an unexpected picnic and a walk. Today, I received two lovely compliments, had the booking for my summer holiday confirmed - in a place I wanted to go to, but didn't think we'd get due to numerous national awards - so today was a good day. So I wondered, does the unexpected make for a good day? However, when my son's bike was stolen - that was a 'bad' day - and that was unexpected. So perhaps, just simple things that make you smile - that's all you need to create a 'good' day.

I'm looking forward to Easter - time with the family, a short holiday in North Norfolk with friends, the promise of chocolate and most of all, the hope of Summer.

Wishing you had a good day too.

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