My favourite of today. Last night I heard the girls whirring away on the sewing machine - and this morning this is what I found at the end of the bed!! I took it downstairs to the chimney. It was filled with lots of little things: clementines, a pb book I've been wanting to read, a little purse, a fridge magnet - with thermometer - sweets, walnut whips (yummy), bath items... it was beautiful. There were even instant noodles - the girls had thought the DC wasn't going to contribute to the stocking - so they'd grabbed the instant noodles from the cupboard to fill up the void. Their fears proved groundless and as a consequence, the stocking was stuffed - this is it in it's re packed state!!
Ate far too much, and lay on the sofa this afternoon with my two youngest and the two dogs and we watched Kung Fu Panda - such fun!! We carried one eating, Quality St and Crisps with salsa dip -yum! So indulgent!!
This Cath Kidston box held a present for my youngest from her grandparents - I've been waiting for the CK sale to start so I can order her cookie tins in the same design! We all did very well from CK this year!
what a wonderful pile of presents! I always find myself reverting to feeling like a child again when I see what's under the tree on Christmas morning!
I've got my 2009 projects all lined up - so just hurrying to get this one finished. It's based on a pattern by erika knight, with some huge changes, and inspired by the wonderfully talented Attic24. Tomorrow I'll be really busy - have to get the presents and food bought for Christmas day as well as drop off eldest monster at the train station so she can visit her dad and meet up with the other monsters who are already with him. The D.C. is away for a couple of days, so I have a friend coming to help me with the food shop and stay over - we'll be getting a take away and watching a girlie movie!
I'm coming back to my blog - made some changes to it this evening but have decided that 2009 will be the year of my blog! I posted this pic to flickr today - in order to keep creativity juices moving, I belong to different daily groups so have to post pics that fit their theme...Today is 'bokeh wednesday'.